A hit and run accident in Yuma today resulted in a lock down of several schools in the area. After the accident, five people were seen running from the vehicle, one running toward a school. Several weapons were then found nearby. Hit-and-runs are seemingly a weekly occurrence in the Valley. Just Thursday, a suspect from a fatal hit-and-run that occurred on March 3 was arrested. Police found that prior to his arrest, Christopher Chevalier’s car had been cleaned and the windshield had been replaced, possibly in an attempt to eliminate evidence.
A Hit and run can occur for many different reasons. The fleeing party may have no insurance or driver’s license, the car may be stolen, or they may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. In any event, the victims of such incidents are often not at fault and could be badly hurt or in the worst case, may have suffered fatal injuries. Leaving the scene, whether at fault or not, is extremely irresponsible, selfish, and not to mention illegal. The victims are many times entitled to compensation in these accidents. If you or someone you know has been injured in a hit-and-run accident in Arizona, you need to contact experienced Glendale personal injury attorney Matthew Lopez for a free consultation of the case. You may have a strong case to collect a large amount of money from the insurance companies for your injuries, time away from work, property damage, medical bills, and pain and suffering.
It is essential to call Matthew Lopez Law immediately of you have been injured in a hit and run accident and want to explore your options. Phoenix personal injury lawyer Matthew Lopez will discuss the incident with you, and explain the process and your rights. Call today: 602-926-8902.