Over my career, I have represented countless Arizona State University student with all types of criminal charges. One of the first questions I ask the students is whether they have told their parents about their charge. An overwhelming amount of ASU students who call my office do not plan on telling their parents. They don’t realize the severity of the situation – they believe that they have some sense of immunity because they are a student and that some way or another no one will ever learn about this incident. They may also feel that if they tell their parents, they will run the risk of their parents losing trust in them and sending them home.
The truth is, you are facing a criminal charge. Because Arizona does not expunge convictions, the conviction will forever appear on your criminal record. Although your parents may be upset with you initially, it is imperative that you tell them so they can help.
One of the more common types of charges ASU students face is possession of marijuana or possession of drug paraphernalia. Among some of the more serious consequences of a possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia conviction is that you may be expelled from ASU. If you are expelled from ASU, you will also no longer be able to attend NAU or UofA. A drug conviction will also prevent you from being able to receive government financial aid.
My office is located in Tempe, just 5 miles south of ASU. We are experienced criminal defense lawyers who are in court every day and know how to aggressively defend all types of charges. If you do not have a vehicle, an attorney from my office would be glad to meet with you on campus to discuss your case. Make the smart decision and seek the assistance of a lawyer for your marijuana or drug paraphernalia possession charge.