ASU Marijuana Lawyer My law firm has represented hundreds of ASU students for various criminal charges – ranging from Minor in Consumption of Alcohol, Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Fake ID to very serious felony Drug Cases. On an average, we represent approximately one student a semester who was either in possession of or selling marijuana, cocaine or ecstasy. Often times, the parent and student believe this is just an act of kids being kids and that because they are a student at Arizona State University, somehow this event will get swept under the “rug.”
As one of Tempe’s premier criminal defense attorneys, it is important for me to educate parents and students about the severity of the charges they are facing. The severity of a drug possession charge depends on the type of drug and the amount. Possession of marijuana can be a considered a class 6 felony, but can go all the way up to a class 4 felony if the State is able prove that the persona was possessing with intent to distribute. Similarly, with more serious drugs such as cocaine, meth, and ecstasy they charges can range from class 4 felonies to class 2 felonies.
With most felony convictions, if convicted, there is a presumptive prison sentence. Not only do the courts carry very serious consequences, ASU students arrested at ASU dorms or campus apartments will be expelled from ASU and will never be able to attend ASU, UofA, or NAU. Our representation for clients’ criminal charges also includes representing them with the ASU disciplinary committee.
Drug cases must be handled quickly and professionally by an experienced law firm who knows how to effectively challenge the facts presented and mitigate the harsh consequences.
A representative from my law firm will answer our phone 24/7 365 to answer all of your questions relating to your drug case. If your loved one has been arrested, we can be at any Maricopa County jail within 1 hour.