Common Penalties For Driving Offenses Lawyer in Arizona
Many people living in Arizona mistakenly think that “traffic offenses” mainly consist of easily handled speeding tickets. However, there are a host of moving violations that you can be cited for while driving. Matthew Lopez Law, PLLC, can protect your rights if you are arrested for a traffic offense. We understand local courts and how they may view your case. We always seek a reduction or elimination of your charges. This can keep your driving record clean and save you money on auto insurance premiums.
Here is a brief list of the most common types of traffic offenses for which we provide client representation.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving could require up to 120 days in jail, fines, probation, a class 2 misdemeanor on your record, and a suspended driver’s license. If convicted, you could face a suspended driver’s license.
Criminal Speeding
Few people have managed to never get a speeding ticket. Even the most careful driver can accidentally go beyond the posted speed limit from time to time. However, there is a significant difference between a civil speeding ticket and a criminal speeding ticket in Arizona. If you are convicted of criminal speeding, you may be facing heavy fines, penalties and a misdemeanor charge on your permanent record.
Drag Racing
If accused of racing on a highway or road, the court system will likely prosecute the offender very aggressively. Because of the high number of dangerous accidents that occur every day and often make the news, courts are punishing offenders aggressively.
Driving On A Suspended License
Not only is it illegal to drive on a suspended license, but it also has other financial implications like fines and towing and storage costs. Because this offense is classified as a misdemeanor, a person could face jail, probation, fines and a prolonged license suspension.
Excessive Speeding
When someone gets a speeding ticket, compared to a DUI, it seems like a minor violation. However, when charged with an excessive speeding ticket, an offender could be charged with a misdemeanor, spend up to 30 days in jail, incur up to $500 in fines, and even have their license suspended.
MVD Hearing
Being charged with a DUI or fake ID in Arizona comes with not just a criminal case, but also a civil proceeding for your driver’s license. Your MVD hearing is the first opportunity you have to defend your driving privileges. A suspended license is more than just a hassle, it could be detrimental to your job, education and family responsibilities.
Reckless Driving
An offender charged with reckless driving faces significant jail time and fines depending on their driving history. If convicted, an offender could lose their driver’s license and face jail time.
We Take Traffic Offenses Seriously
Do not ignore the significant consequences of a traffic violation. Rely on Matthew Lopez Law to investigate all the facts of your case and work for a resolution that protects your rights and your permanent record. Call us at 602-926-8902 or use our email contact form to set up a free case consultation.