Phoenix held its annual Oktoberfest in downtown this past weekend, bringing out beer lovers and germanic-culture enthusiasts alike. The event took place at Margaret T Hance Park and featured a Alphorn blowing contest, Polka dance contest, and even a beer stein holding contest. The fun activities kicked off a popular season of beer drinking and celebrating the fall and beautiful weather. Alcohol at festivals like this, which occur almost every weekend in Arizona from October through April, tend to bring out families including those who are under the legal drinking age. Many of the festivals will be held at Tempe Town Lake park and the Margaret T Hance park, in close proximity to Arizona State campuses. Underage drinking in Arizona is a very common occurrence no matter how diligent parents try to be. With numerous college campuses in the area, police will be on the look out for underage drinking at these festivals, and using false identification.
When a person under the age of 21 attempts to buy alcohol, they often use a false ID or someone else’s ID. This is a separate charge on top of the common minor in consumption and minor in possession charges. These charges may seem minor and mundane, but if they happen to you, you will soon find out they are taken very seriously by the courts and can carry some severe consequences. This is definitely not a charge you want to have on your record. A tough Phoenix underage drinking lawyer is needed to make sure you get the best possible outcome. Phoenix underage drinking lawyer Matthew Lopez is experienced in all types of underage drinking charges including Phoenix MIC, Phoenix MIP, Phoenix false identification, and Phoenix underage DUI.
If you or someone you know has been charge with an underage drinking charge anywhere in Arizona, a call to Arizona’s elite Phoenix underage drinking lawyer Matthew Lopez Law is the best call to make: 602-926-8902.