Believe it or not, peeing in public is illegal in Scottsdale
Actually, urinating in public is a misdemeanor. This may be shocking to someone who has ever been to San Francisco, Bourbon Street, Asia or Europe. Most of my cases for peeing in public in Scottsdale have the exact same fact pattern. The officer sees the person go behind the dumpster, building or alley; and either directly sees my client urinating or sees my client take the position as if they were urinating and once my client is approached by the police, the officer observes urine on the ground, wall, shoes or pants. Even if the officer didn’t catch my client in the act, my clients generally admits to urinating either directly by saying “yeah I was peeing” or indirectly by saying “I’m sorry.” It is also common for us to represent a client who has no recollection of the events.
Do any of these facts sound familiar? If you’re nodding your head, it’s because my office has handled hundreds of Scottsdale Urinating in Public cases. We are familiar with most of the Scottsdale Police officers who patrol the entertainment district and the strategies they use to enforce urinating in public cases. We have seen and heard every single conceivable story when it comes to urinating in public – from the bouncers wouldn’t let me back in the club/bar, to my doctor will provide a note stating that I have a urinary problem and I cannot hold my bladder.
There’s a reason why so many people have chosen our law firm to help with their UIP case
Our law firm is very good at handling peeling in public cases. Our firm represents people for all types of criminal defense cases – ranging from lower level offense like urinating in public, all the way to very serious felony cases. Compared to the many different types of cases that we handle, we charge the least for UIP – $1,500. We are able to charge this fee because we are at Scottsdale Court nearly every day and have streamlined the process for UIP representation. It’s not worth trying to save $1,500 by handling the matter yourself, or hiring an inexperienced law firm. Let us take the weight off your shoulders and help provide you with the best possible outcome.
Let’s discuss your UIP case for free – call our attorneys at 480-608-9998.