Drug charges in Arizona carry serious consequences, but many aren’t aware of the many factors that can dramatically increase the stakes. One of them is proximity to schools. The state’s drug-free school zone laws can ramp up penalties for drug offenses in these designated areas. Arizona, like many states, enforces strict laws to keep drugs […]
Criminal Charges
How is Arizona’s legal approach to opioid charges changing?
The opioid crisis has reshaped how Arizona addresses drug-related offenses. If you’re facing drug charges, understanding these changes could significantly impact your case. This shift extends beyond law enforcement. It’s a communitywide effort involving health care providers, social workers, judges and addiction specialists. They’re collectively tackling the complexities of opioid addiction, recognizing it as a […]
Is it legal to carry a firearm while intoxicated in Florida?
Owning a firearm comes with major responsibilities. You should be able to handle your weapon safely and responsibly. Florida has specific laws on the matter, and breaking these could lead to severe penalties. Knowing the rules and the risks of mixing guns and alcohol or drugs can keep you out of legal hot water. The law is firm on […]
If cops pull me over, do I have to exit my car if they tell me to?
The strobing red and blue lights of a police siren can make anyone nervous. As soon as these lights start to reflect on your rear-view mirror, your mind may race, and you might be afraid of what might happen next. Interacting with the police can be daunting. Knowing your rights and duties during a traffic […]
Can the police use my social media posts against me?
Social media has become an integral part of many Americans’ daily lives. Users can share their thoughts, experiences and photos with friends and followers online. However, you might not be aware that your social media activity can potentially impact your legal situation. Law enforcement agencies have increasingly turned to social media platforms as a source of evidence in criminal investigations. Social media […]
What is the role of search and seizure in drug cases?
Understanding the intricacies of search and seizure procedures in drug charges can be pivotal, especially for those facing such allegations. If law enforcement conducts an illegal search and seizure, any evidence they obtained may be inadmissible in court. Thus, if you are facing a drug charge, how can you protect your rights? In addition, how […]
Is it illegal to be nude on your property?
In Arizona, exposing yourself intentionally in a manner that could upset or offend onlookers is indecent exposure. Even seemingly private acts, such as skinny-dipping in your pool or lounging in your backyard unclothed, can lead to legal trouble if you are visible to others. Understanding indecent exposure in Arizona Laws on indecent exposure protect individuals from […]
Witness credibility can make or break your criminal defense
Criminal trials often involve witness testimony. A common defense strategy is to investigate the credibility of the witness. It can help your case if you can establish that the witness is not trustworthy. How can you attack witness credibility? Knowing how to question the credibility of the witnesses may be a crucial part of your criminal […]
Can you be arrested for assault while defending others?
Imagine having a great time at a club one Friday night when suddenly, you notice one of your friends getting into a heated argument with a stranger. Their argument quickly escalates into a physical fight, and you rush to protect your friend by pushing the stranger away. Despite your good intentions, you find yourself facing […]
Recreational use of ketamine can lead to jail time and penalties
Ketamine has been in the spotlight recently. Originally, it was an anesthetic made by doctors in the mid-1900s for surgeries. These days, it’s used for treating some mental health conditions. Sadly, there are those who use it for non-medicinal purposes due to its hallucinogenic effects. Using ketamine for purposes aside from health can lead to […]