In Arizona, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher or while impaired to the slightest degree by alcohol and/or drugs. Arizona has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country. These laws impose separate, harsh penalties for DUI convictions based on exactly how […]
Arizona DUI / Criminal Defense Law Blog
Are Police Allowed to Search Your Car at a DUI Checkpoint?
At some point in your life, you may have driven into a DUI checkpoint. These roadblocks are often set up around holiday weekends or big events – or simply near bars and nightclubs. While DUI checkpoints are legal, they must comply with specific rules. Unless the police have probable cause or you give them consent, […]
Can the Police Search Your Car with a Drug-Sniffing Dog?
If you have ever watched a crime thriller, you might have seen police bring out dogs to search for evidence. In the realm of law enforcement, the use of drug-sniffing dogs is a common practice during traffic stops. This raises the question, though, of whether the police can actually search your car with a drug […]
Arizona’s Strict DUI Law
In Arizona, driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal offense. Drivers in the state are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or greater. They are also forbidden from operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol if the driver is impaired […]
Arizona’s New Expungement Law
A criminal conviction can be a heavy burden to bear. Long after you make a mistake or reform your life, it can have a serious impact on your life. It can impact your ability to get a job, public housing, student loans, or a professional license – and may even impact your immigration status. Beginning […]
How Arizona laws apply to juvenile drunk driving
As fall ushers in the return to school, college campuses come alive with energy. With this season often come fun parties and events, where alcohol is frequently part of the mix. But for many college students who are still under the legal drinking age, a night of fun can quickly turn sour if they’re pulled […]
How do school zones affect drug charges in Arizona?
Drug charges in Arizona carry serious consequences, but many aren’t aware of the many factors that can dramatically increase the stakes. One of them is proximity to schools. The state’s drug-free school zone laws can ramp up penalties for drug offenses in these designated areas. Arizona, like many states, enforces strict laws to keep drugs […]
How is Arizona’s legal approach to opioid charges changing?
The opioid crisis has reshaped how Arizona addresses drug-related offenses. If you’re facing drug charges, understanding these changes could significantly impact your case. This shift extends beyond law enforcement. It’s a communitywide effort involving health care providers, social workers, judges and addiction specialists. They’re collectively tackling the complexities of opioid addiction, recognizing it as a […]
3 tips for sharing the road safely with trucks
Driving along the highway is already scary. However, it gets even more frightening when you share the road with massive trucks, right? That’s why a few simple safety tips can go a long way to prevent unwanted accidents. Here are a few to keep in mind: Stay out of blind spots Trucks have large blind spots, […]
Is it legal to carry a firearm while intoxicated in Florida?
Owning a firearm comes with major responsibilities. You should be able to handle your weapon safely and responsibly. Florida has specific laws on the matter, and breaking these could lead to severe penalties. Knowing the rules and the risks of mixing guns and alcohol or drugs can keep you out of legal hot water. The law is firm on […]